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Remote Control Jammers

Posted on 2nd Oct 2015 @ 9:00 AM

This is a brief introduction of our series of RF remote control jammers.

Adjustable Quadcopters Drone Remote Control Jammer & WiFi GPS Blocker

Remote controls are used widely in our daily life such as the TV remote control ,air conditioners,electronics toys,drones,cars and other remote control products.Almost of remote control products are using these signals, 315Mhz, 330Mhz, 390Mhz, 433Mhz, 868Mhz--that are also range of our remote control jammers.

If you had wished the power to turn off a TV in a restaurant,coffee house,waiting room or disable an intrusive cell phone,please try the jammers.Yes,it is no doubt that remote controllers bring us convenient daily life,we can do something without body moving-- good design for lazy.But sometimes it brings us troubles as well--someone will be disturbed in public places.On one hand the remote controls like the TV remote control, the air conditioner remote control can bring us a lot of convenience however there are also other kinds of device that is controlled by the remote control which may causes negative effect for people. Such as the remotely controlled robots, unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and other surveillance drones operated by humans by using the remote control, which is widely used these days. If so your privacy and life may be disturbed by such kind of surveillance drones, to avoiding this situation and protect your privacy the best and simple way is to rf jammer to block the signals of the remote control signals.On one hand the remote controls like the TV remote control, the air conditioner remote control can bring us a lot of convenience however there are also other kinds of device that is controlled by the remote control which may causes negative effect for people. Such as the remotely controlled robots, unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and other surveillance drones operated by humans by using the remote control, which is widely used these days. If so your privacy and life may be disturbed by such kind of surveillance drones, to avoiding this situation and protect your privacy the best and simple way is to rf jammer to block the signals of the remote control signals.