Do you think that sometimes using the Omni-directional antennas is not enough and want to use the high gain directional antennas and to gain more powerful jamming distance? Here you can just have a look at this High Gain Directional Antennas for 6 Antenna High Power Adjustable WiFi 3G 4G All Mobile Phone Signal Jammer that will be introduced here.
Now more and more people are using the 6 Antenna High Power Adjustable WiFi 3G 4G All Mobile Phone Signal Jammer now and some of the users also want to own the powerful shielding range so that they can just use this high power jammer high gain directional antennas which is designed only for the 6 Antenna High Power Adjustable WiFi 3G 4G All Mobile Phone Signal Jammer owners who want to block the signals only to one direction with powerful ability then this high gain directional antennas you can easily reach your goal then.
If you want to know more details of this high gain directional antennas that designed only for the 6 Antenna High Power Adjustable WiFi 3G 4G All Mobile Phone Signal Jammer (JFC-021-0065), then just come here and know more details.
Only CDMA/GSM, DCS/PCS,3G,WiFi,and 4G these 5 frequency bands can use directional antennas.
The 4G LTE frequency band can't work with directional antenna.
This product is in stock now, we guarantee shipping within 48 hours and offer 1 year warranty for all our products. Brought to you by the leader in security devices and best Signal Jammers, JammerInTheBox.