If in need of the 315MHz, 433MHz and 868MHz remote control jammer, there is no need for you to buy three of separate 315MHz, 433MHz and 868MHz remote control jammer. Here this "Portable 10W Powerful 315MHz 433MHz 868MHz Remote Control Jammer & RF Blocker (JTB-021-0122)" just can meet your requirement.
This 10W powerful signal jammer is designed with 3 antennas and designed only to block the signals of 315MHz 433MHz 868MHz frequency bands with up to 100 meters jamming radius depending on the signal strength. Portable as it is, it can be can be take along outside with people as well since it is designed with the battery and built-in fan which can be used as its power supply for 3 hours.
As owning the car charger this 315MHz 433MHz 868MHz RF signal jammer can also easily be used in the car as well when people are driving. And just via using this handheld 315MHz 433MHz 868MHz RF jammer people can avoid being monitored by the UAVs controlled via 315MHz 433MHz 868MHz band easily.
This product is in stock now, we guarantee shipping within 48 hours and offer 1 year warranty for all our products. Brought to you by the leader in security devices and best Signal Jammers, JammerInTheBox.
-315MHz 4W
-433MHz 4W
-868MHz 2W